How Do Professionals Get Rid of Bed Bugs?

bed bug removal companies

Bed bugs have become a big problem over the last few years. While they were common up until the 1950s, they had been all but irradicated. Unfortunately, bed bugs have come back in full force in the last ten years, and some states have experienced an intense explosion of infestations. It is believed that bed bugs are unknowingly brought home from hotel stays around the world. Some experts suspect that bed bugs have developed an increased resistance to pesticides, which makes them even more difficult to control. Bed bug removal companies have had to quickly adapt to the increased demand for effective treatments.

Dangers of Bed Bugs

Bed bugs feed off of the blood of other animals. Their bites are often itchy and, if there is an infestation, they can be quite numerous. While bed bugs are not poisonous, they do pose a serious health risk. Some people may experience severe allergic reactions to their bites. People who have bites also risk secondary infections. On top of the physical harm, living with bed bugs causes stress and anxiety. If a bed bug infestation is suspected, it is important that a qualified bed bug removal company is called in as soon as possible. Professional bed bug removal companies understand the urgency and will dispatch a team right away.

Detecting Bed Bugs

There are a few ways to identify bed bugs. The bugs themselves are between 3/16” and 1/4” long. They are oval-shaped and either brown or reddish-brown. They also produce a musty odor, so they may be detected by scent. Bed bug eggs are very small and white. Bed bug removal companies are able to identify bed bugs very quickly. Many also use trained dogs that can sniff out bed bugs.

Bed bugs are very good at hiding. They are mostly discovered based on clues they leave rather than people spotting the actual bugs. Bed bugs are usually identified because they leave red or rusty spots on bedsheets or mattresses. Some people may find the tiny eggs and eggshells. Bed bug removal companies are able to spot these clues easily.

Bed bugs often hide in the piping, seams, and tags of mattresses and box springs. They may also be found in the nooks in the bedframe, headboard, or footboard. If the infestation is large, bed bugs can be found in chairs, curtains, drawers, and any other small crevasses around the room. Since they are so good at hiding, it is important that professional bed bug removal companies are used to assess the size of the infestation.

Traditional Fumigation Method

Traditionally, bed bugs are removed by fumigation. The entire building must be tented, and the residents must be evacuated for a few days. Sensitive items, like food, need to be protected from the toxic fumigation chemicals. Bed bug removal companies then pump the building full of a gas that kills the bugs. While this is an effective way of eliminating bed bugs, some people have concerns with the safety and environmental impact that the fumigation chemicals may have.

Heat Treatment Method

Some bed bug removal companies offer a heat treatment that effectively kills all bugs. With this method, the building does not have to be tented, and there is no need to leave the premises for multiple days. Typically, heat treatment takes about eight hours. While heat treatment effectively kills bed bugs, it also eliminates any other pests that may be living undetected in the building. It is also effective at killing mold growth.

Bed bug removal companies that offer heat treatment take the following steps:

1) Assess the extent of the infestation.
2) Cover items that are sensitive to heat, like computers, with special thermal blankets.
3) Start the heat treatment.
4) Once the treatment has been complete, the space is immediately safe to re-enter.
5) If official clearance is required, a 3rd party dog-sniffing company can be used.

It is important that professional bed bug removal companies are consulted if an infestation is suspected. Prompt treatment of a bed bug problem reduces the risk that the bugs will travel throughout the building. It also reduces the risk that people within the building will suffer the physical risks associated with living with bed bugs.